Obtenha as melhores soluções para todas as suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Conecte-se com profissionais em nossa plataforma para receber respostas precisas para suas perguntas de maneira rápida e eficiente. Junte-se à nossa plataforma para obter respostas confiáveis para suas dúvidas de uma ampla comunidade de especialistas.

Passe as frases abaixo para as formas negativa e interrogativa no Presente Contínuo:
a) I am cooking.
Negative: I am not cooking.
Interrogative: Am I cooking?

b) Mary is making a draw.

c) It’s raining a lot.

d) The cat is sleeping.

e) They are spending the afternoon at home.

f) Mr.Harris is surfing the net.

Sagot :


b) Mary is making a draw.

Negative: Mary is not making a draw

Interrogative: is mary making a draw?

c) It’s raining a lot.

Negative: it's not raining a lot.

Interrogative: is it raining a lot?

d) The cat is sleeping.

Negative: the cat is not sleeping.

Interrogative: is the cat sleeping?

e) They are spending the afternoon at home.

Negative: they are not spending the afternoon at home.

Interrogative: are they spending the afternoon at home?

f) Mr.Harris is surfing the net.

Negative: Mr.Harris is not surfing the net.

Interrogative: Is Mr.Harris surfing the net?

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