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Sagot :
1-The Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas,The University Of Campinas.
2-The Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas founded on june 1941,The University Of Campinas founded on 1962.
3-The Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas has approximately 20,000 students,The University Of Campinas had around 17,500 undergraduate students.
4-The Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas classes are inadministration, system analysis, architecture, arts, accounting, biology, medicine, information science and library science, economics,theology, pharmacy, law, social sciences, literature, physical education, nursing, dentistry, physical therapy, speech therapy, nutrition science, engineering (civil, electrical, environmental and sanitary, computing), philosophy, geography, journalism, history, pedagogy,psychology, publicity, public relations, chemistry, social services, occupational therapy and tourism,The University Of Campinas has courses, colleges and institutes of medicine, nursing,speech therapy, pharmacy, dentistry, biology, physical education, chemistry, physics, mathematics (pure, applied and computational),statistics, computer science, engineering (control and automation, chemical, environmental, food, electrical, computer, mechanical,agricultural, and civil), architecture, geography, geology, economics, arts, music, social communication, literature, linguistics,philosophy, history and social science.
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acho q é isso.
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