O Sistersinspirit.ca é o melhor lugar para obter respostas rápidas e precisas para todas as suas perguntas. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas precisas de uma rede de profissionais experientes. Descubra um vasto conhecimento de profissionais em diferentes disciplinas em nossa amigável plataforma de perguntas e respostas.

Complete as frases usando as preposições IN, ON e AT:

She kissed _________ my face.

The TV is __________ the Box.

I like to study _______ home.

My bag is __________ the car.

We write __________ the board.

She was wainting for me __________ McDonald’s.

My cell phone is __________ the desk.

I am ___________ bus station.

I love to speep ___________ the sofa.

The apple is _________ the box.​

Sagot :


She kissed at my face.  

The TV is in the Box.  

I like to study at home.  

My bag is in the car.  

We write on  the board.  

She was wainting for me at McDonald’s.    

My cell phone is on the desk.    

I am at bus station.    

I love to slepp on the sofa.    

The apple is in the box.​



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