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In human society, in various situations man is treated in an invisible way, either
because he has no financial resources, because of the color of his skin, because
of the religion he follows, etc. Why that? If we are all born of a woman, our body
is made up of flesh, bones, fibers and liquids, and even a thinking brain. Often,
we are invisible by the prejudices borne by other men, who in turn do not carry
respect for differences, and refuse to look, and only see the reflection of a reality.
Written by FERREIRA, T. Abreu - Inspired by the book Invisible Man.
ELLISON, Ralph, Editor: Dover Publications; Edition Reprint, 1992

a)what is the author trying tô say on last sentença?
b)have you ver Felt invisível?How do you feel about It?

por favor me ajudem preciso muito da resposta​

Sagot :


hello my encrsh i muito good i vo te encinar ok mi frind i no bed i bom


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