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B) Transforme as frases abaixo para a forma interrogativa e negativa.
1) Nicholas was studying for a test last night.
2) They were having a party last Friday.
3) The student was very tall.
4) The boys were very intelligent.

Sagot :


Oie! Tudo bem?


1- i) Nicholas was studying for a test last night?

n)Nicholas wasnt studying for a test last night

2- i)They were having a party last Friday?

n)They werent having a party last Friday.

3- i)The student was very tall.

n)The student wasnt very tall.

4- i) The boys were very intelligent?

n) The boys werent very smart.


1) Was Nicholas...?

Nicholas wasn't...

2) Were they...?

They weren't...

3) Was the student...?

The student wasn't

4)Were the boys...?

The boys weren't...
