O Sistersinspirit.ca ajuda você a encontrar respostas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade de especialistas. Faça suas perguntas e receba respostas detalhadas de profissionais com ampla experiência em diversos campos. Descubra soluções detalhadas para suas dúvidas de uma ampla gama de especialistas em nossa plataforma amigável de perguntas e respostas.
Sagot :
1 host
2 viewers/ participants
3 scheduled meeting
4 meeting id and password
5 admit
6 invitation
7 video/ sound
8 decline
9 visible audible
10 Disconnect / reconnect
11 share screen
12 mute mic/ mute video
13 settings
14 join meeting
15 background image
16 make host
17 meeting
18 platform
19 chatbox
1- The person inviting you to attend a meeting on zoom is called the host.
2- People, candidates and viewers are all participants of the meeting.
3- Normally, meetings on zoom are arranged from before which we term as scheduled meeting
4- In order to attend a meeting we login our meeting id and password
5- When a participant joins a meeting, the host accepts him/her by clicking on the admit button.
6- A zoom invitation is sent to the participant, so that he can attend the meeting.
7- Before conducting a meeting, you must always do a video and sound check.
8- If the host doesn’t want the participant in the meeting he can refuse or decline.
9- When conducting a meeting as a host make sure you are visible and audible
10 If you have networkissues you must_ Disconnect and reconnect.
11- Whensharingapowerpointorslideshowwithyourparticipantsyoumustclick on share screen.
12- Ifyoudon’twantanyinterferencebythepublicyoumustrequestthemto mute mic and mute video
13- Beforeconductingazoommeeting,alwayscheckthe settings.Thiswillenable you to block or unblock some functions that you may or may not need.
14- Whenyouhavethemeetingidandpasswordinhandyoucan join meeting .
15- Asahostyoucanchangeyour background image sothatyoulookmore presentable and professional. It can be your own image or the image on the zoom platform.
16- Thehostcan_ make host_(tomakeanotherpersonahost).
17- Agatheringonlineoroutdoorswithagroupofpeopleorbetween2peopleis called a meeting.
18- Zoomisa_ platform_thathelpspeopleconnectandconductclasses,meetings and presentations.
19- Youcanalwaystypeinthe_ chatbox_ifyouwanttosendamessage
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