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Complete the sentences with the correct conditionals and then write which kind of conditional is in each sentence: (1st), (2nd) or (3rd)

a) If you break a mirror, you _________________ (have) seven years of bad luck. ( )
b) If we hadn’t woken up late, we __________________________ (miss) the flight. ( )
c) I will be really mad if my brother _______________________ (take) my things again. ( )
d) They ________________________ (raise) their hands if they have any question. ( )
If I _____________________ (read) the whole book, I would have done well in the test. ( )
If I ______________________ (have) more money, I might have given you a better gift. ( )
When he __________________________ (read) today’s newspaper, he’ll have a big surprise. ( )
If my grandfather ____________________ (be) still alive, he would be a hundred today. ( )
They might have found a better hotel if they _______________________ (drive) a few more kilometers. ( )
She’ll be furious if she _________________________ (find) out the truth. ( )
You’d be surprised if I _____________________ (tell) you how much this cost. ( )
We could have a pet or two if we ____________________ (live – NOT) in an apartment. ( )
I ________________________ (recognize – NOT) you if you hadn’t talked to me. ( )
If John stopped talking about silly things, he ____________________ (be) respected among his colleagues. ( )

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Conditionals

a) If you break a mirror, you will have seven years of bad luck. (1st)

b) If we hadn’t woken up late, we would have missed the flight. (3rd)

c) I will be really mad if my brother takes my things again. (1st)

d) They will raise their hands if they have any question. (1st)

e) If I had read the whole book, I would have done well in the test. (3rd)

f) If I had had more money, I might have given you a better gift. (3rd)

g) When he reads today’s newspaper, he’ll have a big surprise. (1st)

h) If my grandfather were still alive, he would be a hundred today. (2nd)

i) They might have found a better hotel if they had driven a few more kilometers. (3rd)

j) She’ll be furious if she finds  out the truth. (1st)

k) You’d be surprised if I told you how much this cost. (2nd)

l) We could have a pet or two if we didn't live in an apartment. (2nd)

m) I wouldn't have recognized you if you hadn’t talked to me. (3rd)

n) If John stopped talking about silly things, he would be respected among his colleagues. (2nd)

→→ Zero Condicional - Situação verdadeira


simple present + simple present

Fish die if you take them out of water.

Os peixes morrem se você tirá-los da água.

Estrutura Zero condicional

If     + present          +      present

If you eat too much  you get       fat.

Se você come muito você engorda.


If you take the fish out of water they die.

Se você tirar os peixes da água, eles morrem.

→→ Primeira Condicional >>  First Conditional - Situação real ou possível


If + sujeito + present simple* + will** + verbo+compl

If      she                  is    happy I will          be     happy.

If David arrives earlier we will have dinner together.

Se David chegar mais cedo, nós jantaremos juntos.


We will have dinner together if David arrives earlier.

Nós jantaremos juntos se David chegar mais cedo.

→→ Segunda Condicional - Second Conditional >> situação hipotética >> quando queremos falar sobre algo que não tem possibilidade real de acontecer, usamos a segunda condicional. O verbo no passado indica a condição e ''would'' + verbo indica o resultado futuro.


If + simple past ..... + would /wouldn't + infinitive ......

If I had much money I would travel more.

Se eu tivesse muito dinheiro, eu viajaria muito.


I would travel more  if I had much money.

Eu viajaria mais se eu tivesse muito dinheiro.

→→ Terceira Condicional - Third Conditional >> para falar sobre  uma situação que não aconteceu, mas que dá para imaginar como seria se tivesse acontecido.  

Em português: Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo (situação que não aconteceu) , você teria jantado conosco. (como seria se tivesse acontecido)


If + sujeito +      past perfec……  +      would have + particípio…..

If the weather    had been good    I    would have      gone to the beach

Se o tempo estivesse bom, eu teria ido à praia.


I would have gone to the beach if the weather had been good.

Eu teria ido à praia se o tempo estivesse bom.

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