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Dr. Mary daily routine
Dr. Mary Smith decided to become a veterinarian when was just five years old. Her parents bought her a
toy poodle, which she named Pepi. From that point on she was an animal lover.
Now, she is vet and treats animals
Dr. Mary Smith
(like) her job very much because she
animals. Her daily routine
(be) different from her husband. She
(get up) at 7:45 every day. Then she
(go) to the bathroom and she
(take) a shower. Then she
(get dressed) and
(have) breakfast with her family. The she
(leave) home and
(go) to work by car. At nine o'clock she
(arrive) at the
veterinarian clinic. During the morning she
(treat) animals and in the afternoon she
(operate) on some animals. At half past twelve. She
(go) to a
little restaurant and
(have) lunch. After lunch she
(phone) to
her husband, and then she
(go) back to the clinic. Before going back home, she
(go) to the gym. She
(arrive) home at 6 o'clock. First she
(kiss) her husband and children and then she
(read) the
newspaper before dinner. After dinner she
(lay) the table. At 8:30 they all
(have) dinner. After dinner she
(wash) the dishes. Then she
(watch) TV or
(read) a back. She
(go) to
bed at midnight.
2 pontos
O texto acima conta a rotina diária da Dr. Mary, preencha as lacunas com
os verbos entre parênteses utilizando as regras do SIMPLE PRESENT,
preste atenção em quem pratica a ação do verbo. Coloque abaixo