O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por soluções para perguntas cotidianas e complexas com a ajuda de nossa comunidade. Encontre soluções rápidas e confiáveis para suas dúvidas de uma comunidade de especialistas dedicados. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes.

01  Choose the option with the sentence in the past continuous:
a.     (        )Amanda Lenhart decided to change the focus of her studies of teens.
b.     (        )Amanda and others researchers realised the word bullying was not effective.
c.     (        )They were writing their reports.
d.     (        )Some feel pressured to add people to their social mídia network.     
 02  Mark the phrase that describe a problem related to this situation: “Carlos was typing a message when...” (0,75 pontos)
a.     (        )Maggie was browsing the internet.
b.     (        )the Science teacher confiscated his phone.
c.     (        )she was editing her profile.
d.     (        )The Math teacher confiscated her cell phone.  
 3    Look at the picture and complete the sentence correctly: (0,75 pontos)
I was sharing my location with my friends when...
a.     (        )I lost my memory.
b.     (        )my internet dropped.
c.     (        )I forgot my adress.
d.     (        )I give a present.      


4    Choose the correct answer about the words below in english:(0,5 pontos)
Interação face a face
a.     (        )Communities, Pricacy
b.     (        )Social Media, Teenagers
c.     (        )Interaction face-to-face, Privacy
d.     (        )Teenagers, Privacy

Sagot :


Be close the b and d okay? byeee