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S1. Read the following text and answer the question.
A GENTLEMAN, whether walking with two ladies or one, takes the curb side of the pavement. He should never sandwich hims elf between them.
A young man walking with a young woman should be careful that his manner in no way draws attention to her or to himself.
Too devoted a manner is always conspicuous, and so is loud talking. Under no circumstances should he take her arm, or gras p her by or above the elbow, and shove her here and there, unless, of course, to save her from being run over! He should not walk along hitting things with his stick. The small boy’s delight in drawing a stick along a picket fence should be curbed in the nursery! And it is scarcely necessary to add that no gentleman walks along the street chewing gum or, if he is walking with a l
ady, puffing a cigar or cigarette.

All people in the streets, or anywhere in public, should be careful not to talk too loud. They should especially avoid pronoun cing people’snames, or making personal remarks that may attractpassing attention or give a clue to themselves.
One should never call out a name in public, unless it is absolutely unavoidable. A young girl who was separated from her frie nds in a baseball crowd had the presence of mind to put her hat on her parasol and lift it above the people surrounding her so that her friends mightfind her.
Do not attract attention to yourselfin public. This is one of the fundamental rules of good breeding. Shun conspicuous mann ers, conspicuous clothes, a loud voice, staring at people, knocking into them, talking across anyone—in a word do not attract attention to yourself. Do not expose your private affairs, feelings or innermost thoughts in public. You are knocking down the walls of your house when you do.

What was the worst thing a person could do in public in 1922?
A.Attract attention
B.Be shy
C.Be rude
E.a lady

S. 2. Which word best describes American society in 1922?

T. 3. How might you describe the relationship betweenmen and women during this time period?
D.Avoided completely

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