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alguem pode me falar 2 frases em inglês nesses tempos pfvr:

present perfect, past simple, present simple, present continuous, past continuous, future simple, future continuous, past perfect e future perfect​

Sagot :


Present Perfect: 1. There have been many tornados is Mexico. 2. I have been to Canada.

Past Simple: 1. I called you three days ago. 2. They visited their uncle last month.

Present Simple: 1. He plays soccer very well. 2. She loves chocolate.

Present Continuous: 1. He is eating a sandwich. 2. My mother is making me a scarf.

Past Continuous: 1. We were playing soccer when he got hurt. 2. I was dancing while she sang.

Future Simple: 1. She will work during the night this month. 2. I'll go for a walk.

Future Continuous: 1. I will not be studying this song anymore. 2. I will sleeping tonight.

Past Perfect: 1. When I got home, my sister had left. 2. I have been in that country before you know me.

Future Perfect: 1. By the day, I will have sent the e-mail. 2. I will have started a new course by next year.

Espero ter ajudado!!

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