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Ga,b,or c.

I I live near here.

a nOt b don't c doesn't

2 My sister three ch ildren.

a has b have c haves

3 English?

a Are they spea k

b Spea k they

c Do rhey speak

4 ___ your sister work?

a Does b Is c Do

5 A Do you work here?

B )'es. I __ _

a work b do c am

6 A What __ '

B He's an engineer.

a he does b does he c does he do

7 What languages ___ 1

a spea k you

b do you speak

c you speak

8 BilIis __

a Carla's husband

b husband's Carla

c the Ca rla's husband

9 This is my _ __ house.

a parent's b parents' c parent

10 _ _ _ is th is book?

a· Who's b Who c Whose

11 Wc usually have lunch _ __ two o'clock.

a in b o n c at

12 What time do you go ___ bed?

a in b to c al

13 She ___ late for class.

a never is b is never c never does

14 I __ early.

a usually get up

b ger usually up

c get up'usually

15 I have an. English class ___ '

a one a week

b one me wcek

c once a week


a Complete with at , to, ill , 011, or lip.

I _ __ Saturday night I go to rhe cinema.

2 I'm a student. I'm ___ university :tnd llive ___ a flat .

3 Wh3ttimedoyou usual 1y wakc ;I

4 What time do you go ___ work?

b Complete the phrases with these verbs.

do get go have listen play read take watch wear

I ___ d ressed 6 ___ the guita r

2 ___ the dog fo r a walk 7 ___ to music

3 ___ ashower 8 ___ TV

4 ___ your homework 9 ___ rhenewspaper

5 ___ shopping 10 glasses

c G lhe word or phrase Ihal is different.

I brother uncle niece andfa th cr~

2 hu sband mother-in-law stepsister au nt

3 musician

4 never

5 hour


ea rly








d Complete the questions with How many, Wllo , Why, What, or


___ do you Jive?

2 ___ does your father do?

3 ___ is your favou rite family member?

4 ___ hours do you work?

5 ___ do you wam re learn English?


a G the word with a d ifferent sound.

work here ea rn ru rn

sometimes COllsin nllrse uncle

o ften home co ffee doctor

fa th er that brother think

5 /l zi lives warches finishes relaxes

b Underl..i.n.e. the stressed syll able.

I be cause 3 un em ployed 5 grand mo ther

2 den rist 4 po lice lman ​