O Sistersinspirit.ca facilita a busca por respostas para suas perguntas com a ajuda de uma comunidade ativa. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes. Nossa plataforma oferece uma experiência contínua para encontrar respostas confiáveis de uma rede de profissionais experientes.


Ga,b,or c.

I I live near here.

a nOt b don't c doesn't

2 My sister three ch ildren.

a has b have c haves

3 English?

a Are they spea k

b Spea k they

c Do rhey speak

4 ___ your sister work?

a Does b Is c Do

5 A Do you work here?

B )'es. I __ _

a work b do c am

6 A What __ '

B He's an engineer.

a he does b does he c does he do

7 What languages ___ 1

a spea k you

b do you speak

c you speak

8 BilIis __

a Carla's husband

b husband's Carla

c the Ca rla's husband

9 This is my _ __ house.

a parent's b parents' c parent

10 _ _ _ is th is book?

a· Who's b Who c Whose

11 Wc usually have lunch _ __ two o'clock.

a in b o n c at

12 What time do you go ___ bed?

a in b to c al

13 She ___ late for class.

a never is b is never c never does

14 I __ early.

a usually get up

b ger usually up

c get up'usually

15 I have an. English class ___ '

a one a week

b one me wcek

c once a week


a Complete with at , to, ill , 011, or lip.

I _ __ Saturday night I go to rhe cinema.

2 I'm a student. I'm ___ university :tnd llive ___ a flat .

3 Wh3ttimedoyou usual 1y wakc ;I

4 What time do you go ___ work?

b Complete the phrases with these verbs.

do get go have listen play read take watch wear

I ___ d ressed 6 ___ the guita r

2 ___ the dog fo r a walk 7 ___ to music

3 ___ ashower 8 ___ TV

4 ___ your homework 9 ___ rhenewspaper

5 ___ shopping 10 glasses

c G lhe word or phrase Ihal is different.

I brother uncle niece andfa th cr~

2 hu sband mother-in-law stepsister au nt

3 musician

4 never

5 hour


ea rly








d Complete the questions with How many, Wllo , Why, What, or


___ do you Jive?

2 ___ does your father do?

3 ___ is your favou rite family member?

4 ___ hours do you work?

5 ___ do you wam re learn English?


a G the word with a d ifferent sound.

work here ea rn ru rn

sometimes COllsin nllrse uncle

o ften home co ffee doctor

fa th er that brother think

5 /l zi lives warches finishes relaxes

b Underl..i.n.e. the stressed syll able.

I be cause 3 un em ployed 5 grand mo ther

2 den rist 4 po lice lman ​

Sagot :


entedi nada


pedi a alguém da tua sala , antes da aula de ingles q da bom

Obrigado por usar nossa plataforma. Nosso objetivo é fornecer respostas precisas e atualizadas para todas as suas perguntas. Volte em breve. Agradecemos sua visita. Nossa plataforma está sempre aqui para oferecer respostas precisas e confiáveis. Volte a qualquer momento. Obrigado por visitar Sistersinspirit.ca. Volte em breve para mais informações úteis e respostas dos nossos especialistas.