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Rewrite These sentences for contractive negative form: (Future Will)
A)We’ll go to London next week
B)Bruno Will buy a new car tomorrow
C)Camilla’ll cook for us next sunday
D)Mary and roby will get married next year in 2022.
E)The Will get their gratuete next month no july 25 Th.
F)Petter Will study in spain in 2023

Sagot :


we won´t go to London next week

bruno won't buy a new car tomorrow

camilla won't cook for us next sunday

mary and roby won't get married year in 2022

they won't get their gratuete next month no july 25th

petter won't study in spain in 2023


a) We won’t go to London next week.
b) Bruno won’t buy a new car Tomorrow.
c) Camilla won’t cook for us next Sunday.
d) Mary and Roby won’t get married next year in 2022.
e) They won’t get their graduation next month on July 25th.
f) Peter won’t study in Spain in 2023.

Note: When to use “WON’T”?

You use WON'T when someone refuses to do something.