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4) Corrija as sentenças que estiverem erradas:

A) We is going to see the sundown.

B) My dad is going to sell the house.

C) My brother is going buy some books for me.

D) They are going to move for a new country.

E) My mother are going to make a cake for my party.

F) We are going to buy some food in the mall.

G) My friends and I is going to see a movie.

H) I am going to buy a new phone for me.

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Correct the sentences

A) We are going to see the sundown.

B) My dad is going to sell the house.

C) My brother is going to buy some books for me.

D) They are going to move to a new country.

E) My mother is going to make a cake for my party.

F) We are going to buy some food in the mall.

G) My friends and I are going to see a movie.

H) I am going to buy a new phone for me.

Obs.: As correções estão em negrito.

View image CremildaBR


A) We are going to see the sundown.

B) My dad is going to sell the house.

C) My brother is going to buy some books for me.

D) They are going to move to a new country.

E) My mother is going to make a cake for my party.

F) We are going to buy some food in the mall.

G) My friends and I are going to see a movie.

H) I am going to buy a new phone for me.


Espero ter ajudado :))