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02 - Connectors are used to join and connect clauses. They express different things.

Join the two pairs of the sentences written below by using and, but, because or so.

a) John took a bath early in the morning. He had to go to the doctor.

b) The family had dinner very quickly. They wanted to go to the museum.

c) Bella took off her slippers. She went to bed afterwards.

d) Greg didn’t want to forget His meeting with Mr. Harris. He put a reminder​

Sagot :


a) John took a bath early in the morning BECAUSE he had to go to the doctor.

b)  The family had dinner very quickly, BECAUSE they wanted to go to the museum.

c)  Bella took off her slippers AND she went to bed afterwards.

d)  Greg didn’t want to forget His meeting with Mr. Harris, SO he put a reminder​

a) John took a bath early in the morning. He had to go to the doctor.

John took a bath early in the morning because he had to go to the doctor.

b) The family had dinner very quickly. They wanted to go to the museum.

The family had dinner very quickly because they wanted to go to the museum.

c) Bella took off her slippers. She went to bed afterwards.

Bella took off her slippers and she went to bed afterwards.

d) Greg didn’t want to forget His meeting with Mr. Harris. He put a reminder on his finger.

Greg didn’t want to forget His meeting with Mr. Harris so he put a reminder on his finger.

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