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2 - Match the sentences. (OBS: There are some EXTRA itens). I’m thirsty. I have a headache. This exercise is hard. I’m hungry. These bags are heavy. I left my wallet at home. We don’t have any milk. ( ) I’ll lend you some money. ( ) I’ll carry one for you. ( ) I’ll help you with it. ( ) I’ll turn off the music. ( ) I’ll get you a glass of water.

Sagot :



I’m thirsty - I’ll get you a glass of water.

I have a headache - I’ll turn off the music.

This exercise is hard - I’ll help you with it.

I’m hungry - I’ll lend you some money.

These bags are heavy - I’ll carry one for you.

I left my wallet at home - I’ll lend you some money.

We don’t have any milk - I’ll lend you some money

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