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2. Complete as frases com os plurais das palavras entre parênteses: (em inglês)

a) I have many _______________. (tooth)

b) There are 3 _______________ here. (table)

c) There are many _____________ on the floor. (leaf)

d) They have 5 ______________. (baby)

e) All the 100 ________________ are beautiful. (sheep)

f) There are 3 ________________ in the car. (policeman)​

Sagot :


a) I have many teeth. (tooth)

b) There are 3 tables here. (table)

c) There are many leaves on the floor. (leaf)

d) They have 5 babies. (baby)

e) All the 100 sheep are beautiful. (sheep)

f) There are 3 policemen in the car. (policeman)​