O Sistersinspirit.ca está aqui para ajudá-lo a encontrar respostas para todas as suas dúvidas com a ajuda de especialistas. Conecte-se com profissionais prontos para fornecer respostas precisas para suas perguntas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Faça suas perguntas e receba respostas detalhadas de profissionais com ampla experiência em diversos campos.


1. The baby ____ a por lately
lot lately. (TO CRY)

A. hasn't cryed
B. haven't cried
C. hasn't cry
D. haven't cried
E. hasn't cried
A. have omitted
B. has omitted
C. has - to omit
D. have omited
E have - omit
the rules.

2. She __ the rules
A. have obeied
B. has obeyed
C. has obeyyed
D. have obey
E. has to obey

3. ____ they___the
truth? (TO OMIT)

A. have omitted
B. has omitted
C. has - to omit
the rules.
D. have omitted
E. have - omit

4. She ___ the rules

A. have obeied
B. has obeyed
C. has obeyyed
D. have obey
E. has to obey

5. ___ they___ the truth?

A. have omitted
B. has omitted
C. has- to OMIT
D. have omited
E. have - omit​

Sagot :

⇒⇒  Present perfect

1. The baby hasn't cried a lot lately. (TO CRY)

A. hasn't cryed

B. haven't cried

C. hasn't cry

D. haven't cried

E. hasn't cried   √

2. She has obeyed the rules  (TO OBEY)

A. have obeied

B. has obeyed  √  

C. has obeyyed

D. have obey

E. has to obey

3. Have they  omitted the truth?  (TO OMIT)

A. have -   omitted   √

B. has omitted

C. has- to OMIT

D. have omited

E. have - omit​

⇒⇒ Present Perfect >>> tempo verbal que indica quando a ação começou ou quanto tempo faz que ela está ocorrendo.

have >> usado com I - we - you - they

has   >> usado com he - she - it


Sujeito + have / has + verbo particípio

David has lived in Texas since 1990.

My sisters have studied English for many years.

→→  situação/ação que começou no passado e continua no presente.

I have studied German since 2017. - Eu estudo alemão desde 2017.

(comecei a estudar alemão em 2017 e continuo estudando hoje)

→→  situação que aconteceu durante um período e que ainda não terminou.

Helen has been to the movies twice this week. (a semana ainda não


→→  Uma ação terminada em um passado recente, confirmada pelo uso da palavra ''just''

David has just arrived from New York.  

Aprenda mais em:

→→  brainly.com.br/tarefa/25330101

→→  brainly.com.br/tarefa/24420393

→→  brainly.com.br/tarefa/25367658

View image CremildaBR
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