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in, on, next to under, over
1. There is a wreath
the fireplace
2. There is an advent calendar
the wall
3. A nutcracker is
the Christmas tree
4. There are lots of decorations
the Christmas tree
5. There are three stockings hanging
the fireplace
6. There are logs
the fireplace,
7. There is a present
the Christmas tree

me ajudem rápido por favor​

Sagot :

⇒⇒   Prepositions

1. There is a wreath  over  the fireplace .

2. There is an advent calendar   on  the wall .

3. A nutcracker is   next to   the Christmas tree.

4. There are lots of decorations  on  the Christmas tree.      

5. There are three stockings hanging   over   the fireplace .

6. There are logs   in     the fireplace.

7. There is a present  under the Christmas tree.

→→ Prepositions IN - ON - AT

in - geral

on - more specific - mais específico

→ ''in'' para se referir aos períodos maiores e menos específicos, como uma parte do dia, meses, estações do ano, anos, séculos , cidades, estados, países, continentes. Exceção >>> at night

in May

in Summer

in Europe

in the morning

in South America

in New York

→ ''on'' para dias da semana e datas - endereço incompleto

on 6th March

on the weekend

on Sunday morning

on January 10th, 2010

on New Year’s Eve

→ ''under'' - embaixo

The dog is under the table

→ ''next to'' - perto / próximo

The chair is next to the table.

→ ''over''  -   acima  /  sobre

There are some birds over the trees.

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