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How to Make a Cat Bed from an Old Sweater
1) Lay the sweater out flat.
2) Fold the bottom edge of the sweater up and place the sleeve
in front of it
3) Secure the sleeve to the top of the rolled up sweater edge with
a whip stitch or a blanket stitch
Repeat with the other sleeve
5) Make a running stitch from one "armpit" to the other.
6) Stitch the neck opening closed.
1) The text is an example of
A) a description
B) a narration
C) an instruction
D) an opinion
Read the text below and then answer the question.
Jane: Do the Simpsons have a pet turtle?

Sagot :


c) an instruction

they have a pet cat (eu acho já que o texto ensina como fazer uma cama de gato)