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( ) She was think his all day long.

( ) They're studying for maths this morning.

( ) Jack was playing video game when I left.

( ) We all were very confused with this mess.

Complete the sentences with the correct use of the Simple Past and the Past Continuous.

1- The children ___________ (argue) when the teacher arrived.

2- Everyone___________ (listen) to music when the lights ___________ (go) out last night.

3-I was waiting for the bus when I___________ (see) her. To fill in the gaps respectively, mark the right option. *

A- was arguing / were listening / goes / was seeing

B- were arguing / was listening / went / saw

C- was arguing / was listening / goes / saw

D were arguing / were listening / went / was seeing

Fill in the blanks to make the sentences right.

1 - ________they___________together yesterday? (work).

2 - My father and my little brother ______________________ soccer yesterday. (to play).

3 - He _________________ TV when his mother arrived (watch). Now, choose the best option. *

Was / working / was playing / was

Was / working / were playing / wasn't

Were / working / was playing / was

Were / working / were playing / wasn't​

Sagot :


1. Jack was playing video game when I left.

2. B - were arguing / was listening / went / saw

3. Were / working / were playing / wasn't​


O past continous ou past progressive consiste em uma ação passada que estava em andamento. Em português temos como exemplo "Eu estava falando com o pessoal (...)", "Nós estivávamos correndo em direção a (...)".

Em inglês nós temos a seguinte estrutura: Sujeito [I/You/He/She/It/They/We] (Eu, você ou vocês, ele, ela, ele ou ela [para objetos], eles ou elas e nós, respectivamente) + verbo to be no passado + verbo com -ing.

Lembrando que o -ing no inglês equivale ao nosso -ando, -endo, -indo (Ex: falando, lendo, caindo).

Lembrando também que o verbo to be é conjugado diferente de acordo com o sujeito. Veja:

I                         was

You                  were

He/She/It         was

They                 were

We                    were

A partir dessa explicação, vamos resolver os exercícios.

1.1- She was think his all day long.

O que está errado nesta frase é a falta do -ing no verbo "to think". O correto seria "She was thinking his all day long."

1.2- They're studying for maths this morning.

Neste frase, está tudo correto, em termos de ortografia, porém não está no past continuous. O mesmo estaria correto se estivesse da seguinte forma: They were studying for maths this morning.

1.3- Jack was playing video game when I left.

Aqui está tudo correto. De acordo com a estrutura supracitada e explicada.

1.4- We all were very confused with this mess.

Aqui a frase está no passado particípio, então não corresponde à forma verbal que procuramos.

Correto é: Jack was playing video game when I left.

2.1- The children were arguing (argue) when the teacher arrived.

Este é o correto. Children pode ser substituído por "they", que significa "eles". Tradução: As crianças estavam discutindo quando o(a) professor(a) chegou.

2.2- Everyone was listening (listen) to music when the lights went (go) out last night.

Este é o correto. Tradução: Todo mundo estava ouvindo música quando as luzes se apagaram na noite passada.

2.3- I was waiting for the bus when I saw (see) her.  

O correto é usando o past participle (particípio passado), pois nesse momento fala de algo que já se encerrou, isto é, não teve continuidade. Tradução: Eu estava esperando o ônibus quando eu a vi.

Alternativa C.

3.1- Were they working together yesterday? (work).

Aqui basta usarmos "were", pois o sujeito é "they". Depois disso, basta acrescentarmos o -ing ao verbo.

3.2- My father and my little brother were playing soccer yesterday. (to play).

"Meu pai e meu irmão menor (...)" então é they. Quando o sujeito é "they" usamos "were" e acrescentamos o -ing ao verbo depois do verbo to be.

3.3- He was watching TV when his mother arrived (watch).

O sujeito aqui é "he", então usamos "was" e acrescentamos o -ing ao verbo depois do verbo to be.

Correta é, então: Were / working / was playing / was.

Espero ter lhe ajudado! =)

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