Obtenha as melhores soluções para suas perguntas no Sistersinspirit.ca, a plataforma de Q&A de confiança. Descubra um vasto conhecimento de especialistas em diferentes disciplinas em nossa abrangente plataforma de perguntas e respostas. Junte-se à nossa plataforma de perguntas e respostas para conectar-se com especialistas dedicados a fornecer respostas precisas para suas perguntas em diversas áreas.

A:I really want to try that new japanese restaurant.would you like to go with me?

B:Sorry , But I don't like Japanese food.                    


  A:How do you know that if you have           Tried it before?

a( )lately

b ( )recently

c ( )many times

d ( )never

e ( )ever






A:are you already working in that company?

B;no,I left my CV there, but they           my yet.

a( )have called

b( )haven't call

c ( )haven't called

d( )has called

e( )hasn´t called





if you want to meet your bigger      ,take small steps.when you take things slowly,you`ll see progress faster.

a( )empower

b ( )secure

c ( )goal

d( )dubbed

 e ( )emerge

Sagot :

1 - D - Never

2 - C - Haven't called

3 - C - Goal


A: I really want to try that new japanese restaurant. Would you like to go with me?

B: Sorry, but I don't like bapanese food.                    


A: How do you know that if you have never tried it before?


A: Are you already working in that company?

B: No, I left my CV there, but they havent called my yet.


If you want to meet your bigger goal ,take small steps. When you take things slowly, you`ll see progress faster.