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Join the sentences with "are" or "is":


1. The New York Aquarium

2. the Big Apple

3. All New York cabs

4. The Tower Bridge

5. The Crown Jewels


a) yellow.

b)108 years old

c)home to thousands fish and sea mammals.

d)inside the Tower of London

e)another name for New York

Sagot :

1. The New York Aquarium is home to thousands fish and sea mammals.

2. the Big Apple is another name for New York

3. All New York cabs are  yellow.

4. The Tower Bridge is 108 years old.

5. The Crown Jewels are inside the Tower of London.



1. The New York Aquarium is home to thousands fish and sea mammals.

2. the Big Apple is another name for New York

3. All New York cabs are  yellow.

4. The Tower Bridge is 108 years old.

5. The Crown Jewels are inside the Tower of London.

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