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Use the verbs in brackets in the correct future tenses.
Use will-future, going to-future, Simple Present or Present Progressive. 

1) The train
_________at 11:45. (to leave)
2) We
_________dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday. (to have)
3) It
_________in the mountains tomorrow evening. (to snow)
4) On Sunday at 8 o'clock I
_________my friend. (to meet)
5) They
_________to London on Friday evening. (to fly)
6) Wait! I
_________you to the station. (to drive)
7) The English lesson
_________at 8:45. (to start)
8) I
_________my sister in April. (to see)
9) Look at the clouds - it
_________in a few minutes. (to rain)
10) Listen! There's someone at the door. I_________the door for you. (to open)

Sagot :

1) The train leaves at 11:45.
2) We are going to have dinner at a nice restaurant on Saturday.
3) It will snow in the mountains tomorrow evening.
4) On Sunday at 8 o'clock I am meeting my friend.
5) They are flying to London on Friday evening.
6) Wait! I will drive you to the station.
7) The English lesson starts at 8:45.
8) I am going to see my sister in April.
9) Look at the clouds - it is going to rain in a few minutes.
10) Listen! There's someone at the door. I will open the door for you.