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preciso de:
10 exemplos do verbo to have em frases afirmativas
10 exemplos do verbo to have em frases negativas
10 exemplos do verbo to have em frases interrogativas

Sagot :

Olá, tudo bem?

Frases afirmativas

1- I have to do make my homework today

2-Carlos has to build a new house

3- My dog has to go the vet

4- My parents have to do my registration at school today

5- We have to clean the house fast

6- Mary has to wash her hair at the saloon

7- My children have to go to dentist tomorrow

8- The doctor has to wait for the exams

9- I have to go to the gym

10- You have to run every day

Frases negativas

1- I haven’t to do make my dinner today

2-Luiz hasn’t to buy a new house

3- My cat hasn’t to go the vet this week

4- My parents haven’t to do my registration at school

5- We haven’t to clean the room today

6- Sam hasn’t to cut her hair so short

7- My kids haven’t to go to school tomorrow

8- The patient hasn’t to wait for the results

9- I haven’t to go to the college today

10- You haven’t to run every day

Frases interrogativas

1- Do I have to do make my homework today?

2- Does Carlos have to build a new house?

3- Does my dog have to go the vet ?

4- Do my parents have to do my registration at school today?

5- Do we have to clean the house fast?

6- Does Mary have to wash her hair at the saloon?

7- Do My children have to go to dentist tomorrow?

8- Does he doctor have to wait for the exams?

9- Do I have to go to the gym?

10- Do you have to run every day?

Espero ter ajudado!


alguém mim ajuda fazer um deve de inglês