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Sagot :
A primeira questão parece incompleta, não tenho certeza de como responder.
A resolução da segunda se encontra abaixo:
a) he is sleeping now, isn't he?
b) She goes shopping mall every week, doesn't she?
c) We will go to San Francisco, won't we?
d) The girl can Talk to you, can't she?
e) He was at the club, wasn't he?
f) They were at the church, weren't they?
g) The children went to the park, didn't they?
h) The boys had gone there by bus, hadn't they?
i) They have seen her, haven't they?
j) Bob plays the piano, doesn't he?
k)They hadn't lost your money, had they?
l) We couldn't to visit her, couldn't we?
m) The players shouldn't, should they?
n) You wouldn't do that, would you?
o) They don't go out every night, don't they?
p) They aren't studying, are they?
Quanto a terceira, você quer que eu passe os verbos para as formas indicadas?
A resposta que não tinha deixado:
3) complete the verbs
infinitive :
To drink - drink
To drive - drive
To become - become
To bring - bring
To cut - cut
É só tirar o "to".
Simple past:
To be - was/were
To drink - drank
To drive - drove
To become - became
To bring - brought
To cut -cut
Past participle:
To be - been
To drink - drunk
To drive - driven
To become - become
To bring - brought
To cut -cut
To be -ser
To drink -beber
To drive -dirigir
To become -se tornar
To bring -trazer
To cut - cortar.
Espero ter ajudado.
A resolução da segunda se encontra abaixo:
a) he is sleeping now, isn't he?
b) She goes shopping mall every week, doesn't she?
c) We will go to San Francisco, won't we?
d) The girl can Talk to you, can't she?
e) He was at the club, wasn't he?
f) They were at the church, weren't they?
g) The children went to the park, didn't they?
h) The boys had gone there by bus, hadn't they?
i) They have seen her, haven't they?
j) Bob plays the piano, doesn't he?
k)They hadn't lost your money, had they?
l) We couldn't to visit her, couldn't we?
m) The players shouldn't, should they?
n) You wouldn't do that, would you?
o) They don't go out every night, don't they?
p) They aren't studying, are they?
Quanto a terceira, você quer que eu passe os verbos para as formas indicadas?
A resposta que não tinha deixado:
3) complete the verbs
infinitive :
To drink - drink
To drive - drive
To become - become
To bring - bring
To cut - cut
É só tirar o "to".
Simple past:
To be - was/were
To drink - drank
To drive - drove
To become - became
To bring - brought
To cut -cut
Past participle:
To be - been
To drink - drunk
To drive - driven
To become - become
To bring - brought
To cut -cut
To be -ser
To drink -beber
To drive -dirigir
To become -se tornar
To bring -trazer
To cut - cortar.
Espero ter ajudado.
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