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will and going to
5 exemplos de cada 
 de formas afirmativas,negativas e interrogativas 
me ajudem pf!!!!

Sagot :

Are you going now?  You aren't going now   You are going now
Are you going to study?  You aren't going to study    You are going to study
Are they going to the market? They aren't going to the market They are going to the market
Is she going home alone? She isn't going home alone   She's going home alone
Is the cat going to sleep?  The cat isn't going to sleep  The cat is going to sleep
Will she read that book?  She won't read that book     She will read that book
Will they come altogether?  They won't come altogether   They'll come altogether
Will you dance with me tonight?  You won't dance with me tonight  You'll dance with me tonight
Will she have a cat?   She won't have a cat    She'll have a cat
Will you work today?    You won't work today    You'll work today 
Are you going now?  You aren't going now   You are going now
Are you going to study?  You aren't going to study    You are going to study
Are they going to the market? They aren't going to the market They are going to the market
Is she going home alone? She isn't going home alone   She's going home alone
Is the cat going to sleep?  The cat isn't going to sleep  The cat is going to sleep
Will she read that book?  She won't read that book     She will read that book
Will they come altogether?  They won't come altogether   They'll come altogether
Will you dance with me tonight?  You won't dance with me tonight  You'll dance with me tonight
Will she have a cat?   She won't have a cat    She'll have a cat
Will you work today?    You won't work today    You'll work today 
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