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Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past. Watch the punctuation and form sentences or questions.
Example: The children ______ their sandwiches last Monday. (to forget)
Answer: The children forgot their sandwiches last Monday.

1) He Resposta  magic tricks at the party. (not/to do)
2) I Resposta  Physics at school. (not/to like)
3)  Resposta  the shop assistant Resposta 10 percent off the price? (to take)
4) What Resposta you Resposta yesterday? (to lose)
5) We Resposta in a flat when we were in Paris. (not/to live)
6) Why Resposta  the baby Resposta  this morning? (to cry)
7) Mandy Resposta her room on Thursday. (not/organize)
8) When Resposta you in London? (to be)
9) She Resposta the correct word in the exercise. (to use)
10)  Frank Resposta (to share) a room with Henry when Resposta they  in Rome?  (to be)

Sagot :

1) He didn't do magic tricks at the party.
2) I didn't like Physics at school.
3) Did the shop assistant take 10 percent off the price?
4) What did you lose yesterday?
5)We didn't live in a flat when we were in Paris.
6) Why did the baby cry this morning?
7)Mandy didn't organize her room on Thursday.
8) When were you in London?
9)She used the correct word in the exercise.
10)Frank shared a room with Henry when were they in Rome?