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Underline the correct tense.
A Next Saturday, Daisy 1) is flying/flies to Paris for a.
business meeting. Her secretary has already booked
the flight. The plane 2) will leave/leaves at nine
o'clock in the morning and one of her business clients
3) will have met/will be meeting her at the airport
when the plane lands. She doesn't know how long the
meeting will last, but she 4) will have returned/will
have been returning home by Thursday evening.
B Florence 1) is going to become/will be becoming a
doctor when she finishes medical school. She thinks
she 2) will probably work/will have probably worked
in a hospital for most of her career. This time next
month, she 3) will have revised/will be revising hard
for her exams. By the time she gets her degree she
4) will have been studying/will have studied medicine
for five years. Florence hopes she 5) will have
passed/will pass all the exams with excellent grades.

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