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Join the sentences using the connectors in brackets. 1 The bag was very heavy. He carried it for her. (although) Although the bag was very heavy, he carried it for her. 2 We live in the same street. We go to the same school. (and, as well) 3 We both like music. We decided to start a band together. (so) 4 The man couldn't get up the stairs. He was in a wheelchair. (because) ​

Sagot :


Join the sentences using the connectors in brackets.

Uniți enunțurile folosind elementele de relație (conectorii) din paranteze.



1. The bag was very heavy. He carried it for her. (although)

  • Although the bag was very heavy, he carried it for her.



2. We live in the same street. We go to the same school. (and, as well)

  • We live in the same street and we go to the same school as well.
  • Locuim pe aceeași stradă și mergem și la aceeași școală.

3. We both like music. We decided to start a band together. (so)

  • We both like music so we decided to start a band together.
  • Amândurora ne place muzica, așa că am decis să facem o trupă împreună.

4. The man couldn't get up the stairs. He was in a wheelchair. (because)

  • The man couldn't get up the stairs because he was in a wheelchair.
  • Bărbatul nu putea urca scările deoarece era într-un scaun cu rotile.


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