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POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Ilmo FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH A POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE 1.-Wendy is carrying .. heavy luggage. 2.-Ben is best friend in the classroom. 3-Lorenzo's pictures are exciting but school marks are quite bad. 4.-Sarah didn't invite me to..... birthday party. T-shirts. 5.-The footballers wore a, stick on 6.-Veronica is telling parents about the first day at school. house in Mallorca. 7.-My cousins phoned me from 8.-Julia and I decided to have a barbecue in garden. 9.-Helen is worried becaused grandmother had an accident yesterday. 10.-We usually have lunch and dinner in ............ nice kitchen. 11.-Scientists think......... work is very important. 22-Did you pass .............. driving test? 132-1 never forget to bring ......... atlas to school. 5-Teresa isn't sitting in ........ They have got a little dog but I don't know........... name. .......... place but I'm sitting in ..... 4-Richard and Robert spend .......... free time at the gym. 17-Mum! Where are ......... trainers? A-Listen, children, don't forget to do ........... homework for tomorrow. -Diana is playing tennis with ......... boyfriend. 20-John is wearing .......... sunglasses today. We won..... first competition at the club. 22-Gemma is a good example for all ....... Classmates. place.​

Sagot :