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15 Complete the sentences. Use one of these forms: present simple (I work/drive etc.) past simple (I worked/drove etc)

1 You can turn off the television I'm not watching (not/watch) it

2 Last night Jenny fell (fall) asleep while she was reading (read).

3 Listen! Somebody______(play) the piano

4 'Have you got my key? 'No, I _______(give) it back to you

5 David is very lazy. He________(not/like) hard work

6 Where______(your parents/ go ) for their holidays last year

7 I______(see) Laura yesterday. She_______ (drive) her new car

8 A: ___________(you/watch) TV much ?
B: No i haven't got a TV

9 A: What_______(you/do) at 6 o'clock last Sunday morning ?
B : i was in bed asleep

10 Andy isn't at home very much . He_______(go) away lot

11 I________(try) to find a job at moment . It's not easy

12 I'm tired this morning. I___________(not/sleep) very well last