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H Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.
Last week police 80).
(arrest) Paul Dawson.
They 81)........
(suspect) him of being the leader
of a gang of robbers who 82)...................................... (steal)
art treasures from museums and homes since last January.
Prior to his arrest, Dawson 83)
two years in prison for theft. They 84).....
(release) him only 16 months ago. The police 85)................
(try) to find the gang's hideout for months.
....... (arrest) the rest
They feel sure they 86)...
of the gang by the end of the month. This 87)...........….........
(be) the biggest art theft operation to be uncovered since
1974 when police 88).
.......... (catch) a gang
which 89)..........
(steal) over a million pounds
worth of paintings from galleries all over the country.

H Put The Verbs In Brackets Into The Correct Tense Last Week Police 80 Arrested Arrest Paul Dawson They 81 Suspect Him Of Being The Leader Of A Gang Of Robbers class=

Sagot :


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.



Last week police (80) arrested Paul Dawson. They (81) were suspecting him of being the leader of a gang of robbers who (82) had stolen art treasures from museums and homes since last January.

Prior to his arrest, Dawson (83) had spent two years in prison for theft. They (84) released him only 16 months ago. The police (85) had been trying to find the gang's hideout for months.

They feel sure they (86) will be arresting the rest of the gang by the end of the month. This (87) would be the biggest art theft operation to be uncovered since 1974 when police (88) caught a gang which (89) had stolen over a million pounds worth of paintings from galleries all over the country.


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