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1.2 Past simple or present perfect? ▶Focus on Grammar, SB page 102 Using the verbs and any other words given in brackets, complete the following sentences with the most suitable form of either the past simple or the present perfect. An example is given to help you. 1 Maria saw (see) the doctor yesterday about that rash she has had (have) for ages now. 2 'How long .... you (live) in Spain?' 'Two years altogether, before moving to Italy. 3 OK. Who (take) my best pen? It (be) on my desk thirty seconds ago. 4 In the Middle Ages people long as they do now. 5 Oh dear, what look as though you 6 Who ........ 9 remember if it 7 Where you trousers? They're fantastic! when you 10 Thomas 8 It's definitely our favourite film, we (see) it six times. far. 11 I hear you you ever your honeymoon. What 14 Hugo (write) William Tell? I can never (be) Mozart or Rossini. . (buy) those 15 Ella ********** 12 Hello Julia. When (get) here? 13 Ah, madam. I believe you skiing next month. .............. (steal) apples (be) a kid? (be) late for every lesson so (happen) to you? You (see) a ghost! (think) of the place? you (not live) so (go) to St Petersburg on you .......... accident. Could you tell me exactly what (happen)? over thirty years. Then she. overnight and (witness) the .(break) his leg so he can't go (smoke) forty cigarettes a day for ******* . (give up) ........... (not touch) one since!​